Recipes need to be marked as Done for inventory to deplete.
This can be done from both the Recipe Totals and the Recipe Cards windows.
Once production is complete navigate to [ Production > Recipe Totals > By Distribution / Production Date ].
Recipes need to be marked as Done for inventory to deplete.
This can be done from both the Recipe Totals and the Recipe Cards windows.
Once production is complete navigate to [ Production > Recipe Totals > By Distribution / Production Date ].
6. When marking a recipe Done, Ingredients are depleted from stock and added to the Shopping List.
7. By default the System use the Lot # with the nearest Use by Date when generating a Recipe Card.
8. You may override our suggestion and assign a different one in [ Stock / Production > By Date > Recipe Cards ].
9. Note that if there is not enough of an ingredients in stock to complete a Recipe Card, the line will be split in two or more lines with additional Lot #, always in chronological Use by Date order, nearest first.
10. If you do not have sufficient stock level of an ingredient, the Recipe Card cannot be marked done and the Adjust Stock pop-up will be displayed indicating which ingredients are out of stock.
11. The process can be undone by selecting Undo.