[ Gearbox > Shortcurts > New Report / Custom Report ]
Create a new report or customize an existing report. And you may preview while you’re doing it. We save all your reports in shortcuts: your packing slips, your invoices, driver reports, et cetera.
All the production reports can be seen here: the Cut & Shape, and the Slicing Report. Create a schedule, and that goes on the relevant days of the week to the baker at a given time.
[ Production > Cut & Shape > Production/Distribution Date ]
C&S is grouped by Distribution Date, whereas GiP is grouped by Production Date. Therefore, C&S displays items that are being delivered on the given date(s), whereas GiP displays items that begin production on the given date, regardless of the date of delivery.
Typically, users opt for C&S and use Recipes by Production Date, as the information needed to begin production is the Recipe.
1. Bakers start with Recipe Totals either by distribution or production date: