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Creating Recipes

  • Navigate to [ Stock > Recipe Book ].
  • Under the Recipe Group select Add Recipe – select the type of recipe you would like to create.
  • Navigating the Edit Recipe page:

A. Select or change the type of recipe.

B. Sum of the ingredients used in the recipe, It excludes foreign ingredients.

C. The UoM used in the Recipe Card.

D. View/Hide in the Recipe Book.

E. Include or exclude when printing the Daily Summary or Recipe Card from Shortcuts  or Recipe Totals.

F. Use for inventory recipes.  That means, recipes that we keep in stock and may be produced in the Recipe Production Planner.

G. A buffer to increase the total amount required to fulfill orders.

H. Hours ahead of the deadline to report Recipe Totals. The deadline can be set just below and if blank, it will default to Order Deadline, set in [ Production >  Settings ].  The lead time will also force Recipe Totals to display the quantity needed ahead of the date selected in Recipe TotalsFor example, if you set the lead time to 24 hours, when loading Recipe totals for [today], the needed amount for [tomorrow] will be shown.  This is handy for sourdough starters, for example.

I. Overall shrinkage during cooking. Yield = 1 – Waste. When entering the waste per ingredient, this is a sum. For example, a loaf of bread shrinks 17% during cooking, or this shrinkage could be broken down by ingredient.

J. The cost of the precipice per kg or lb.  It is calculated from the cost of ingredients.

K. The UoM that will be used on the Recipe Card. Ensure that the correct conversion is set.

L. The percentage of the ingredient in the Recipe. The sum of all coefficients is equal to 1 (100%). Foreign ingredients are not computed.

M. Foreign ingredients do not participate in the computation of coefficients.

N. Recipe Stages are required, even if only one. They may be excluded in the Recipe Card. May be used for example, to make HACCP records or to split the Recipe into multiple stages.

O. Other Recipes may be used as Ingredients.

P. Steps are optional.

Q. Book Recipes only – Yield of specific Item must be set here.  It is the total number of pieces a book yields.

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