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Customer List

This page is a summary of all wholesale customers in Streamline. By default, it will load the Live customers. Note that we are only going to display Streamline/Wholesale customers (dbo.Traders.Category = 1 or Wholesale).

1. Date: Delivery date.

2. Status: Selected status filter (dbo.Traders.Live).

3. No. of Customers: Total number of customers listed in the table below.

4. No. of Addresses: Total number of delivery addresses

5. Addresses with Orders: Total number of addresses with orders for the selected date.

6. Addresses without Orders: Total number of addresses without orders for the selected date.

7. Status: The column shows the live status of the customer. The icon is clickable and will toggle the customer’s live status from:

8. Shortcut icons: These icons provide a shortcut link to the customer module pages.

  • Cart Icon: When it’s blue, means the customer has an existing live address. A dropdown of other submenus for the ordering will appear if this is hovered.
    When it’s grey,
    means that the customer either does not have a live address or does not have a contact. This icon links to the customer address page.
  • Email Icon: Indicates whether the email service is enabled for the customer or not. If the email is disabled for the app, all email icons are disabled. If the email is enabled for the app, this will show the email status of the company instead (dbo.Traders.SendEmail).


9. Customer name: Customer DBA (dbo.Traders.TradingName) or Legal Name (dbo.Traders.Name) if there is no DBA.

10. Customer Status: Customer status for the day. If the customer has a standing order for any of its addresses, this will read as Standing Order. Selecting a status from the dropdown will immediately save that status for the customer for the selected date.

  • If the customer has any saved status for the selected, that status is shown (dbo.TraderStatus).
  • If there is no customer status for the selected data and at least one of the addresses of the customer has any cart or standing order for the selected date (dbo.Orders), this will automatically show Standing Order.
  • If the customer has no saved status for the day and no order, it will display the default customer status (dbo.Traders. DefaultCustomerStatus). If the customer has no default customer status, it will show No Action.

11. Customer Code: Assigned customer code (dbo.Traders.LegacyCode).

12. Customer Invoice Contact: The main contact of the invoice address.

13. Add Customer: Button to quickly add a new customer.

14. Column Visibility Settings: These settings determine the columns that are shown in the table. The user may also save these settings so that they only see the columns they need every time they log in. (dbo.BusinessEmployees).

  • Customer Status: This setting determines if the user will be prompted to save the customer status as its default status whenever they change a customer status.

15. More: Additional options for other features.

  • Customer Attributes: Links to the Customer Attributes page settings.
  • Export a list of the customers in a csv file.
  • Import customer data in csv format.

16. Row Highlight: Customers are highlighted based on their order status for the selected date.

  • Red: The customer has canceled orders for the day in the Calendar (dbo.AddressHoliday).
  • White: All the customer’s addresses have orders for the day.
  • Blue: At least one address has no order and at least one address has an order for the day.
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